Articles & Seminars

Seminars, Podcasts & Guest Speaking


Estate Administration: It's Complicated

Two versions of this webinar have been offered:

Hosted Seminars

Seminar supporting materials are available to be downloaded here.


I am honoured to be a returning guest on The Executor Help podcast, hosted by David Edey.

Published Articles

The articles listed here are maintained on my LinkedIn newsletter "Framing/Reframing" (use this link to subscribe to it).

All articles are available to be downloaded from my LinkedIn page; alternatively, contact me to request a PDF version.

Estate Administration: It's Complicated

Estate administration is notoriously complex. Executors face numerous challenges and obstacles that demand adept management of stakeholders, legal procedures, tax and financial matters. [This article coincides with my infographic by the same name - view it here.]

Optimizing the Family Journey

Framing estate planning and administration in the context of the family journey as a mindset and methodology for professional advisors in estate planning and administration.  [This article coincides with the recording of the Executor Help Podcast that I was the invited guest.]

Hey Accountants - Just Ask

A client's trusted tax accountant/preparer is uniquely positioned to know and ask key questions to identify when a client's estate plans should be reviewed or updated.

A New Way of Thinking for Estates

The new "Economy 4.0" is also transforming the estate planning and administration space, rendering it much more client-centric.

Mind The Gap (Parts 1 & 2)

This two-part series is about estate planning and a call for advisors and clients to be mindful of  aligning expectations of all involved.

5Ws&H For Legacy Plannng

Applying the time-tested "5W's+H" framework from journalism to estate planning, advisors need to ask these fundamental questions.

Strategies of Effective Executors

Drawing from Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to set out a strategic framework for estate executors

The Executor Conundrum

The choice of the executors of an estate is paramount - but a challenge for many, in particular for those without children.

Advisors Unite

This was a post, to coincide with LSO's annual "Make A Will Month," calling on all advisors to embrace a holistic approach to estate planning.

It Isn't a Problem, Until it Is

A framework for adopting a candid approach with clients, inspired by Jim Collins’ iconic book “Good to Great” and his "overcoming the comfort of complacency".

Radical Candour

This article advocates for adopting a radical candour relationship with clients from the outset of litigation, to remain aligned to outcomes.

Project Success

Applying the framework from the book "How Big Things Get Done" to legal project management, to produce more successful outcomes.

LinkedIn Posts

Articles and posts span an array of topics, including#EstatePlanning #EstateAdministration #EstateManagement #EstateStrategy #EstateOptimization #CertifiedExecutorAdvisors #TrustedAdvisors #WillsandTrusts #TrustsandWills #TrustAdministration #FiduciaryAccounting #PassingAccounts #EstateMonitor #TrustMonitor #NegotiationStrategies #BATNA #PTW #LegalTech #LegalProjectManagement #OptimizingOutcomes #FamilyJourney